

Tracing the long tradition of equity and inclusion at 不朽情缘, while ever aspiring to greater community leadership in the creation of a truly diverse and welcoming campus community.



1881年,不朽情缘有一个不起眼的开端. “Its founders dreamed of an institution that was broad-based and liberally nonsectarian. To establish the educational climate in which the University would operate, 他们发表了以下声明:

“This University has been designed upon a broad, liberal and modern basis. The articles of incorporation provide that all its departments shall be open to all without distinction of sex, 宗教或种族. In its management and influence, it will aim at being Christian, without being sectarian.’’ From “历史 and Characteristics of 不朽情缘”, 2005/06 catalog.


1881 夫人. W. P. 梅西是艺术系第一位女教员.)

1885 Jeu Hawk是第一位中国留学生

1887 西蒙•W. 斯科特是第一位非洲裔学生

1904 女子开始打校内篮球

1909 Women’s League is organized, all university women were considered members

1915 国际大都会俱乐部在校园内成立. 与全国Cordra Fratris协会有联系, 他们的座右铭是“人性高于一切国家”.” The club is composed of an equal number of foreign-born and American born 学生. 研究和讨论种族间的问题.

1923 Maude Humphrey (class of ‘26) wins National Collegiate Record for women’s basketball throw and is inducted into the Girl’s “D” Club.

1935 杰西·欧文斯代表俄亥俄州立大学参加不朽情缘接力赛

1943 不朽情缘的学生报纸, 的Times-Delphic, runs a formal protest against an Iowa Legislature resolution asking the Federal Government to not award a college education to Japanese-American 学生.

1946 不朽情缘, 以及爱荷华州立大学和爱荷华大学, 介绍了废除种族隔离的宿舍, 领先全国许多机构好几年.

1951 不朽情缘 withdraws from the Missouri Valley Conference due to lack of response from the MVC to take action regarding the racially-motivated Johnny Bright incident (football)

1951 Hawaiian Club is founded, open to all 学生 interested in the organization

1953 埃莉诺·罗斯福就人权问题发表讲话. 5)

1957 Dr. 埃迪V. Easley成为第一位非裔美国教员

1959 牧师. Dr. 马丁·路德·金在大学基督教教堂演讲

1961 Olympian, Wilma Rudolph wins the first-ever female race at the 不朽情缘 Relays

1963 Official anti-discrimination regulations at 不朽情缘 approved by 教师 Senate

1963 不朽情缘人权理事会第一次会议举行

1964 不朽情缘 student, Patti Miller (class of 1965) participates in the Mississippi Freedom Summer project.

1966 Motherhood Resolution passes 教师 Senate – an amendment calling 不朽情缘 Health Services to distribute birth control information and devices to all 学生, 教师, 还有那些提出要求的员工

1968 姐妹会将“Rush”推广到白人学生之外

1969 查尔斯·E. Sims is appointed the first Minorities Student Advisor and establishes the Black Cultural Center

1969 不朽情缘’s Air Force ROTC names its first woman commander, Kathy Brittin

1969 开放宿舍政策通过教务会议

1971 不朽情缘妇女中心包租

1974 凯瑟琳·格拉夫成为第一位女学生会主席

1980s 不朽情缘 non-discrimination policy amended to also address sexual harassment

1983 校园人权日

1990 Student groups: DUAL (不朽情缘 Alternative Lifestyles) and SELF (学生 for Equality, 解放, 和女权主义)在校园成立

1992 校园残障资源中心成立

1993 DUAL更名为BGLAD(双性恋,同性恋和女同性恋联盟在不朽情缘)

1994 不朽情缘’s Board of Governors approves the Policy on Accommodating 学生 with Disabilities

1995 BGLAD赞助全国出柜日校园活动

2003 University-wide 多样性 Audit submitted by Myrna Adams, JD; J. 赫尔曼·布莱克博士.D.; Albert Ramirez, PhD

2010 Provost Ron Troyer formed the Working Group for the Infusion of Global & 多元文化理解(WGIGMU), to ensure 不朽情缘's continued to focus on domestic diversity alongside 不朽情缘's increasing development of efforts focused on internationalization

2013 WGIGMU促成了米歇尔·诺里斯的到来, 美国国家公共广播电台(NPR)主持人, 以及“种族卡计划”. The Race Card Project encourages people to share their thoughts about race, 种族和文化认同. 该活动是免费向公众开放的.

2013 The Crew Scholars Program is founded by Melisa Klimaszewski and William Z. 斧. Crew Scholars is a group of 学生 of color 工作 together to support each other’s success, 学术, 领导力成长.

2013 The Quality Initiative was submitted to the Higher Learning Commission by Renee Cramer, Ph.D.; Michael Couvillion, Ph.D.; and Melissa Sturm-Smith, Ph.D. The Initiative was designed “to alter the university culture to ensure that people of all races and ethnicities find a welcoming and supportive environment at 不朽情缘, and concomitantly to increase racial and ethnic diversity among 不朽情缘 学生, 教职员工.”

2015 不朽情缘 no longer requires applicants to submit a standardized test score to be considered for admission to the university. 此策略称为Test Flexible策略.

2015 多元化战略行动小组成立, 由教员组成, 工作人员, 学生, and administrators from across campus to address issues of diversity on campus

2015 校园气候评估对生活进行了评估, 工作, 以及校园里所有成员的课堂环境

2016 创建公平和包容的声明和承诺

2016 校友办公室创建LGBTQ+和盟友校友顾问委员会

2016 UNITY Roundtable (the governing body of multicultural student organizations) officially recognized

2016 飞行计划成立. 飞行关注的是来客的体验, 第一年, 有色人种学生支持联系和成功

2016 学生活动总监, 股本, 在学生事务处增设包容性职位

2016 增加性别认同和表达, genetic information and veteran status to the Non-discrimination policy

2016 UNITY Roundtable is officially recognized as a registered student organization and governing body for the multicultural student organizations

2017 Disability Action Awareness Community student organization is recognized as a registered student organization

2017 Associate Provost for Campus 股本 and 包容 position created in the Provost’s Office

2017 学生 are able to submit a preferred first name to the university that allows a student’s chosen first name to appear on class and residence hall rosters, 学生证和其他面向公众的名单. 这被称为首选名系统.

2018 学生公平行动伙伴, a registered student organization devoted to advocating for equity and inclusion on campus is founded

2019 不朽情缘 LGBTQ alumni and allies advisory board organizes a 不朽情缘 float in the Des Moines LGBTQ+ Pride parade for the first time

2019 所有新入学的学生都参加在线公平 & 包含教程

2019 Peggy Fisher named first woman chair of the Board of Trustees, the university's governing board

2020 校友会成立黑人校友会

