

药学与健康科学学院 学生及毕业生 actively seek opportunities to better their communities, 他们的病人, 他们的职业, 和自己.

Enhancing their knowledge through education and practical experience, they know that science is enriched by a human perspective.  The College is focused on demonstrating skilled expertise along with compassion in their interactions with every patient and client in their pursuit of better. 这简直是了不起.






你是否是未来的学生, 潜在教员, 明矾想要联系, 或者是专业合作伙伴, 欢迎来到我们的虚拟社区!

I have no doubt that you will find this community to be one that exhibits our values of 共同掌权, 专业, 协作, 企业领导, 创新, 和教学 在实现我们成为“diverse community of learners leading the way to a healthy world". Even though I have been a member of this community for several years, I continue to be amazed each day with the passion and dedication that the faculty, 工作人员, 学生, alumni and our many partners bring to this vision and our values.

结果? As a graduate w‌ho has combined liberal arts education along with professional preparation, you will be prepared for success and leadership in professional fields that offer enormous opportunity and have a tremendous impact on people’s lives. You will also find many opportunities to gain practical experience through exposure to hands-on practice settings around the world and a variety of experiences and opportunites such as pursuing re搜索 projects with professors, 完成独特的实习, and taking on leaderhip roles that prepare you for future success. Our curricula provide the rigor for you to succeed in your future career, while providing the flexibility and opportunities for you to add value to your degree through our combined degree programs, 未成年人, 和浓度. You'll be able to participate in a variety of leadership and other co-curricular experiences that prepare you for future leadership roles and responsibilites. You won't just obtain a job, you'll be able to pursue a career that you are passionate about!

  • 作为药学博士(PharmD)的学生, you can particpate in a variety of experiences not only in Des Moines, 而是在全国乃至全世界. You can participate in high quality experiential sites that prepare you for your career. You can join our graduates who have enjoyed an accomplishment rate of nearly 100 percent since 1984 with a high percentage of graduates entering competitive residency and other post-graduate positions. You can be part of a program has a strong reputation across the country as we are ranked fourth among private schools by the US 新闻 & 世界报道.
  • 作为一名健康科学专业的学生, you can prepare for a career in areas as diverse as medicine, 实践管理, 公共卫生, 医药研究, 或者健康保险管理. You will receive the scientific foundations as well as background in health care issues to be well prepared to pursue graduate study to become a physician, 物理治疗师, 医生的助手, 或者其他医疗保健专业人员.
  • 作为一名职业治疗博士(OTD)的学生, you can participate in an accelerated year-round program that provides course work and experiences that prepares you to help patients live their lives to the fullest.
  • 作为一名运动训练硕士学生, you can prepare for a variety of careers as you work with Division I student-athletes and pursue a variety of 未成年人 和浓度 in a curriculum that allows for the obtainment of a Bachelor and Master degrees in a shorter amount of time than if the degrees were obtained separately.
  • As a Master of Science in Health Informatics and Analytics student, 你将使用生物医学数据, 信息, and knowledge to improve health care in transforming an in-demand industry.  You will help providers assess and treat patients more effectively. 当应用于公共卫生时, your use of informatics and analytics will improve decision-making and the monitoring of diseases.
  • As a Master of Science in Clinical Psychopharmacology student, you will receive advanced training and education in the field of clinical psychopharmacology to enhance your ability to provide evidence-based, patient-centered care to individuals with mental health conditions. We are committed to developing psychologists who are skilled in pharmacological assessment, 诊断, and treatment planning and who possess the knowledge and expertise to collaborate effectively with other healthcare professionals.

不管你选择什么课程, you will find excellent and accessible faculty ready to guide you toward success. You will have the opportunity to learn from them in the classroom or through individual assistance, 在职业道路上获得建议, 和他们一起参与他们的研究项目, and provide professional and community service together. 而且这种联系不会随着毕业而结束. We are proud of our alumni and the network that has developed through their giving back to our programs. Our alumni have found that whatever path they choose to pursue, they are recognized for their commitment to advancing their practices, 支持他们的社区, 为他们的病人和职业辩护. 

